Bridge Cottage Surgery now has a Social Prescriber

Bridge Cottage Surgery now has a Social Prescriber. Appointments are for 45 minutes and help patients with social support covering a wide range of areas.

The Social Prescriber will help you do things like complete forms or refer you to local services. They will enquire and listen to any issues you may be experiencing and assess how they can help you.

An example of the types of things they can assist with are:

  • benefits
  • wellbeing
  • debt paperwork
  • local activities
  • accessing local services

Social prescribing works for a wide range of people, including people:

  • with one or more long-term conditions
  • who need support with their mental health
  • who are lonely or isolated
  • who have complex social needs which affect their wellbeing

If you would like to book an appointment then please contact the surgery.

From the Bridge Cottage Surgery Patient Participation Group
If you would like further information about the Bridge Cottage Surgery Patient Participation Group please email

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